Beans strives to please the upper end of the coffee shop market, and also offers fresh, homemade snacks and lunches. Oundle Beans offers outdoor dining as well as panoramic views of downtown. This coffee shop prides itself on selling freshly ground Fairtrade coffee and fantastic milkshakes. All coffees are served from cappuccinos, lattes, espressos and macchiatos, as well as organic Fairtrade teas and teas.

Other beverages offered include iced drinks including iced tea, freshly squeezed fruit juices, fruit ice, real fruit smoothies, iced coffee and iced milkshakes. We also sell homemade soups. Anyone who’s ever been to Aundle knows that if you want to see what’s going on in town, take a seat on a bench in Beans and watch the town go by!

After the last few years of challenging ups and downs due to the dreaded virus, we’re finally back with arms wide open, and we’ve so missed welcoming all of you over a cup of coffee and a piece of cake! Why not also head over to the new Oundle School Sports Center where you can find another bean ready to help you unwind after your workout, relax while watching the kids splash around in the pool, or just have a little change of scenery with a cup of coffee. catch up with a friend.

For all the notoriety about the scourge of takeout coffee cups, all Beans customers can rest assured that their favorite coffee shop is ahead of the game with our transition to fully compostable cups in 2017. And that includes our lids and straws! While we don’t claim to be a leader, we do our best to protect the environment and always have. Team Beans.